IASC Task Team on Strengthening the Humanitarian/Development Nexus with a focus on protracted contexts

Date published
02 Feb 2018
Factsheets and summaries
Development & humanitarian aid, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus

Introduction (Co-chairs, UNDP): Members will recall that this activity is done in collaboration with the UNDG Results Group and that key messages therefore refer to the HDP nexus, linking to the dimension of peace and prevention where and when possible. Comments were received from 12 agencies through the latest consultation round. By way of update, the co-chairs note that they are currently in discussions with DOCO, representing the UNDG. Preliminary analysis of the responses so far show that we have lost track of the audience of the KM and who is speaking (noting that the KMs are supposed to be pitched at the Principals level); useful language was provided by agencies from major reports; there is a confusion around what we mean by NWOW in relation to the HDN; comments on the KM revealed an appetite for joint-programmes/ and co-designed activities as a fundamental element of strengthening the HDN.