Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus Guidelines

De Jager Meezenbroek, F.; Rogers, T.; Burrows, L.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2023
Coordination, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus

The primary purpose of these guidelines is to support Trócaire’s country teams and local partners in implementing programmes with a nexus approach. The guidelines cover key Nexus components - joint context analysis and planning; programming and financing and resourcing.  In addition, these guidelines will help familiarise country teams and partners with definitions and principles related to nexus and provide the following:

• Guidance on joint analysis and planning

• Options for integrating the different pillars of the nexus

• Guidance on local leadership and coordination of nexus programming

• Recommendations for financing and resourcing of nexus programming Trócaire has previous experience of integrating humanitarian and development programming in one geographic area and embedding crosscutting approaches.

Based on these good practices, the nexus framework proposed in this guidance focuses on the use of a coherent, joined-up and agile approach across our humanitarian, peace and development efforts in order to be able to attend to the immediate needs of the target population, whilst also considering the address root causes of poverty, vulnerability and fragility.