Cash and Voucher Assistance Feasibility and Risk Analysis: Papua New Guinea Dec 2020

Publication language
Date published
14 Apr 2022
Research, reports and studies
Cash-based transfers (CBT)
Papua New Guinea
Save the Children

As each country across the Pacific currently have different cash capacities and experiences, Save the Children PNG (SC-PNG) specifically, plans to undertake a Cash Feasibility Risk Assessment (FRA) with the objective to determine whether CVA is an appropriate methodology during an emergency response and/or if it can be integrated in programmes. It will also determine and understand the risks and opportunities of launching CVA in PNG communities including cross-cutting issues such as gender, advocacy and disability inclusion.

Key questions of the Cash FRA will focus particularly on:

  • Context: Identification of current and potential issues and concerns that affect/impact CVA acceptance of government and communities; household-level acceptance and preferences; perception of children on CVA; data privacy and protection; donors’ position on CVA and compliance requirements, and Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) setup.
  • Market Analysis: Conduct simple market assessment in the target areas looking into staple goods/services including quality, quantity, prices (projections on demand and scale up), market competitiveness and integration, market and price tracking systems as well as impact on markets and prices from any previous CVA activities in the country.
  • Internal Controls and Delivery: the FRA will include a Delivery Mechanism Assessment that will identify the list of delivery mechanisms fit for emergency, longer-term, and available alternatives; review of controls/systems on theft, diversion, and fraud; partner's capacity assessment (if applicable); financial risks with service providers; and any local laws for licenses or permits required related to CVA.
  • Security: Understand the political context on target areas including risks and mitigations for SC-PNG staff, beneficiaries, and vendors.

The FRA will also look into the experiences, recent learnings and best practices of other Save the Children Country Offices and humanitarian actors in the Pacific to promote learning from each other and increase PNG staff capacity building.