Tearfund Impact and learning report 2015. Inspiring Change

Publication language
Date published
01 May 2015
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid

At the heart of Tearfund’s work is the desire to see long-lasting sustainable change achieved in a way that empowers individuals and communities, respects the diversity of those we engage with, and ensures accountability to local people as well as our donors and supporters.
This is Tearfund’s first Impact and Learning report in which we outline our vision for change, evidence of the change we are contributing to, what we are learning, and how we will seek to build on these lessons to continue to improve the quality of our programmes and interventions. Change is a process and not an end state; we recognise the need for ongoing analysis and learning in order for us to understand what is working, what could be done differently and where Tearfund and its partners bring a distinctive contribution.