Building resilience and managing risk in fragile and conflict-affected states: A thematic evaluation of DFID’s multi-year approaches to humanitarian action in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen

Gray, B. et al.
Publication language
Date published
31 Dec 2014
Thematic evaluation
Conflict, violence & peace, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Funding and donors, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan

This inception report sets out the approach, work-plan and practical arrangements for the thematic evaluation of DFID’s multi-year humanitarian funding. The thematic evaluation will take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Sudan, and possibly one other country. It builds on the terms of reference and six months of scoping work, including evaluability assessments of the four countries.

In the course of this scoping work, with security deteriorating in Yemen, the difficult decision not to proceed with this part of the study was taken. Alternatives are still being worked through and an updated version of this report will be needed once this decision has been made.