Working with CSOs

Publication language
Date published
07 Nov 2019
Research, reports and studies
Capacity development, Partnerships, Peacebuilding
Samuel Hall

The Somali Compact, a component of the New Deal framework, will shape international engagement in South Central Somalia over the next three years (2014-16). The Compact provides “an overarching strategic framework for coordinating political, security and development efforts for peace and statebuilding activities.” In the case of Somalia, the New Deal has identified priority areas within all of the 5 Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals (PSGs). It is within these PSGs that aid to Somalia will be channelled. However, a year into the process, there is still little clarity amongst implementing organisations, of whether this process accounts for Somalia’s 3 million people who are displaced and the volatile context, both in security and natural disasters in which Somalia exists. International organisations providing assistance in Somalia are in search of durable solutions and working with civil society organisations to ensure that a) international and national frameworks are consulting with the civil society in Somalia and b) the civil society represents the people of Somalia.