WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at 148th session of the Executive Board

Publication language
Date published
18 Jan 2021
Comms, media & information

Your Excellency Dr Harsh Vardhan, Chair of the Executive Board, thank you for your leadership for your leadership during these difficult times.

Excellencies, dear colleagues and friends,

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to you all, and happy New Year.

40 years ago, a new virus emerged and sparked a pandemic. Life-saving medicines were developed, but more than a decade passed before the world’s poor got access to them.

12 years ago, a new virus emerged and sparked a pandemic. Life saving vaccines were developed, but by the time the world’s poor got access, the pandemic was over.

One year ago, a new virus emerged and sparked a pandemic. Life-saving vaccines have been developed. What happens next is up to us.

We have an opportunity to beat history; to write a different story; to avoid the mistakes of the HIV and H1N1 pandemics.

The development and approval of safe and effective vaccines less than a year after the emergence of a new virus is a stunning scientific achievement, and a much-needed source of hope.

Vaccines are the shot in the arm we all need - literally and figuratively.