UNHCR's Policy and Practice Regarding Urban Refugees, A Discussion Paper

Mougne, C.
Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 1995
Research, reports and studies
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration, Urban

This Discussion Paper is based upon extensive interviews at UNHCR Headquarters, a review of project documents, and an examination of other relevant background literature. It attempts to identify, on a global basis, the main issues of current concern to UNHCR with regard to its work with urban refugees. It assesses the appropriateness of current policy and practice and examines some of the principal problems experienced by field offices around the world. In conclusion, it presents a number of recommendations for the establishment of a more rational and humane approach to this small but complex area of UNHCR's work. The paper has been prepared by Christine Mougne, Senior Officer, Inspection and Evaluation Service.