Turkey: Awareness-Raising Among Refugee and Migrant Women on How to Access Justice Services | Arabic

Field, H.
Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2018
Support to Life
Research, reports and studies
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities
UN Women

The report you are reading is the lessons learned and good practices report of the “Awareness raising among refugee and migrant women on how to access justice” project implemented by Support to Life between 7 February – 31 October 2018 with the financing of The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
The focus of this report is the concrete impact of information and awareness-raising activities had with regard to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), access to civil rights, and to the lives of refugee women and girls affected by the Syrian crisis. In addition, the report covers conditions of the country and city where the project was carried out, contents of the project, project activities, the challenges faced and the methods used to deal with them, the advantages and disadvantages of the 'volunteer-based community work' management, the stories from the field and recommendations of the project team.
The project was carried out in Hatay between February and October 2018. 16 volunteer women supported the project and a total of 1276 people were reached. The difference and value created by the project in the lives of refugee women is much more important than the numbers we have reached through information activities.