The Situation of Older Persons in Myanmar

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2012
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Older people, Working in conflict setting
HelpAge International


This document is the outcome of a national
research on the situation of older people in
Myanmar, carried out in 2012. The study was
conducted with the partnership, encouragement
and facilitation of the Ministry of Social Welfare,
Relief and Resettlement, while UNFPA provided
valuable support and information.


Population ageing and the well-being of older
persons are emerging as major challenges for
families, communities and states in much of
Asia. To respond effectively with appropriate
policies and programmes, both government and
non-government agencies need reliable and
comprehensive information about the situation
of the older population. HelpAge International
therefore contracted Myanmar Survey Research
to conduct the first comprehensive Survey of
Older Persons in Myanmar in March and April
2012.* The survey interviewed 4,080 persons
aged 60 and older and covered the entire country
except Kachin State.