The evaluation of socio-economic development. The guide

Tavistock Institute in association with: GHK, IRS
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2003
Tools, guidelines and methodologies

This GUIDE, is intended for those involved in the evaluation of socio-economic development
in Europe. It is a successor to the MEANS collection (methods for evaluating structural
policies). Whilst the GUIDE has a specific focus on evaluation within European Structural
Funds, it is not confined to the evaluation of these interventions. Socio economic
development is, after all, strongly featured in many national and regional programmes that
are not funded by the EU. In most countries in Europe, as elsewhere in the world, improving
regional and local economies that have fallen behind, re-integrating marginalized groups,
and adjusting to the challenges of global competition and technical change are priorities.
Given the scarcity of resources and the often innovative strategies that socio-economic
development requires, the demand for evaluation has expanded alongside the development
of policies and complex interventions themselves.