Syria Humanitarian Fund 2019 2nd Reserve Allocation - Annex 5: Allocation Strategy Paper template

Publication language
Date published
24 Mar 2019
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Working in conflict setting, Funding and donors, Response and recovery, Syria crisis

The objective of this Second Reserve Allocation is to meet life-saving needs in North East Syria. Specifically, the allocation aims to: i) meet critical gaps in displacement sites across Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zour governorates, including Al-Hol, Areesha and other IDP camps/sites; and ii) provide life-saving support to key areas where spontaneous returns are already taking place, such as in Ar-Raqqa city and Hajin. In so doing, it is envisaged that a potential by-product of additional resources in North East Syria will be a diversification of partners and reinforced capacity which better enables actors to scale-up response efforts and ensure continuity of services and assistance in the event of a sudden withdrawal of existing forms of humanitarian support. Approximately, US $12 million is available as part of this Second Reserve Allocation.