Syria Crisis Education Response - September 2018 Update

Publication language
Date published
25 Sep 2018
No Lost Generation Initiative
Factsheets and summaries
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Education
Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt

In 2017, around one in three school-age Syrian children were out of school inside Syria and the five host countries. Barriers to access and effective learning are complex and include beyond the education sector, a wide range of protection and socio-economic issues that contribute to negative coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, recruitment by armed forces, and child labour. No Lost Generation (NLG) partners have been working together to address challenges that children affected by the Syria crisis and their families face to access quality education opportunities. Following the recommendations of the ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’ Conference in April 2018, the response has been focusing on addressing these challenges through:

  • Expanding multiple pathways to learning, focusing on youth, and securing recognized and certified learning opportunities, including technical and vocational training.
  • Prioritizing learning and the acquisition of skills, with adequate tools for monitoring learning outcomes to inform evidence-based decision making.
  • Improving multi-sectoral responses that link education, protection and livelihood interventions.
  • Ensuring flexible medium-term and adequately financed plans, and strengthen coordination and accountability among all stakeholders.