Sri Lanka: An evaluation of WFP's portfolio (2011-2015)

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2017
Policy evaluation
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Conflict, violence & peace, Food security, Nutrition
Sri Lanka

This is the brief for the country portfolio evaluation, which covered all WFP operations in Sri Lanka during 2011–2015. It assessed WFP’s alignment and strategic positioning, its strategic decision-making, and the performance of the portfolio as a whole; including WFP's application of humanitarian principles and the comparative cost analysis of cash-based transfers (CBTs).

The evaluation found that WFP’s portfolio in Sri Lanka was relevant to humanitarian needs in the aftermath of the war, responding to emergencies and addressing enduring nutrition problems. The challenge was in adapting activities to remain relevant to the country’s changing circumstances amid waning donor resources. WFP’s strategic positioning evolved with the changing context, moving from emergency programming towards a more strategic orientation.