Review of WFP Food Assistance Programming Practices in Southern Sudan

Maxwell, D., et al
Publication language
Date published
31 Oct 2006
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Post-conflict, Food and nutrition
South Sudan
Tufts University

The World Food Programme has been providing humanitarian food assistance to vulnerable communities and groups in Southern Sudan for over twenty years, but circumstances have changed following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005. The Feinstein Dev Site undertook this review of programs in Southern Sudan to help WFP Sudan make the needed changes to adapt to these new circumstances. The objective of this study is to improve programming in the 2007 EMOP and the subsequent PRRO. The Feinstein Dev Site views this as one step to building a long-term partnership with WFP Sudan.

The report reviews changes in the operating environment in Sudan generally and Southern Sudan specifically following the end of the long-running war between the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and the Government of Sudan. While the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement is beset with numerous challenges, it offers Sudan the framework to move from a situation of protracted internal conflict to a more peaceable coexistence.