Review of AIDMI's Temporary Shelter Programme in Tsunami-Affected Southern India

All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2005
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
Programme/project reviews
Disasters, Response and recovery, Shelter and housing

 The All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) responded to the tsunami that struck southern India. After assisting in the provision of immediate relief AIDMI's main effort was to support local groups and panchayats for the construction of temporary shelter. A Total of 1395 housing units were constructed in 15 villages. This report presents a review and evaluation of that effort from the point of view of the beneficiary and the local government officials. The review found that government officers and beneficiaries in the villages are satisfied with the shelter provided. The evaluation showed that the shelter rated well against established criteria (including Sphere Project guidelines) to evaluate such shelter efforts, including the fact that the shelter was constructed in a timely manner, met local cultural needs, and was conducted by the beneficiaries in all stages to the process. This report includes findings and conclusions from this review as well as recommendations for further effort.