Regional synthesis 2013-2017: Latin America and the Caribbean region

Díaz, B. and Betts, J.
Date published
01 Nov 2017
Capacity development, Food security, Nutrition, Gender, Zero hunger (SDG), System-wide performance
Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua

The WFP series of operations evaluations supports its corporate objective of accountability and learning for results. Since mid-2013, the series has generated fiftyeight evaluations of operations across the six regions in which WFP operates. The evaluations assess the appropriateness of WFP operations, their results, and the factors explaining these results.

Within the Latin America and Caribbean region seven operations evaluations (OpEv) were conducted between 2014 and 2017 in seven countries, all in which WFP is currently active: Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Evaluations covered 7 operations out of 29 operations in the region which corresponds to 24 percent of the regional portofolio and 54 percent of the regional operational budget.

Operations evaluated included: three country programmes (CP), one development programme (DEV), and three protracted relief and recovery operations (PRRO), two of which were single country operations and one regional operation covering four countries in Central America. The seven evaluated operations targeted a population of more than 6 million beneficiaries with combined requirements of USD 389 million.