Reference Group on Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas Work Plan for 2012

Publication language
Date published
31 Oct 2011
Conference, training & meeting documents
System-wide performance, Urban

The IASC Reference Group for Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas (MHCUA
RG) has been implementing the endorsed IASC Strategy and Two-year Action Plan for Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas for the past year. The Strategy builds upon six objectives for improving humanitarian response in urban areas: Strengthen partnerships among urban stakeholders for more effective humanitarian response, ii) Strengthen technical surge capacity with urban skills, iii) Develop or adapt humanitarian tools and approaches for urban areas, iv) Protection of vulnerable urban population against gender-based exploitation and violence, v) Restore livelihoods and economic opportunities during initial phase for expedited early recovery in urban areas, vi) and Improve preparedness in urban areas to reduce vulnerabilty and save lives.

The MHCUA Two-year Action Plan includes the 12 highest priority actions identified in the
Strategy to be undertaken by IASC member organizations. Although not yet fully implemented, Action Points have been achieved in most strategic objectives during the first year of Action Plan implementation.