Network Paper 16 The Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 1996
Evaluation reports
Coordination, System-wide performance
The main objective of the Evaluation was to “draw lessons from the Rwanda experience,
relevant for future complex emergencies as well as for current operations in Rwanda and
the region, such as early warning and conflict management, the preparation for and
provision of emergency assistance (which is the focus of Study III's work and the subject of
this Network Paper), and the transition from relief to rehabilitation and development”.
In view of the issues to be evaluated, four separate studies were contracted to different
institutions and individuals:
Study I Historical Perspective: Some Explanatory Factors (Nordic Africa Institute,
Uppsala, Sweden)
Study II Early Warning and Conflict Management Chr. Michelsen Institute (Bergen,
Norway and York University, Toronto, Canada)
Study III Humanitarian Aid and Effects (ODI, London, UK)
Study IV Rebuilding Post Genocide Rwanda (USAID, Development Alternatives Inc,
Refugee Policy Group, Washington DC.