Mid-term Review - Regional Health and Organizational Development Programme - IFRC Americas zone

Publication language
Date published
06 Jun 2015
Programme/project reviews
Development & humanitarian aid, Health, Organisational
Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Belize

The current four year regional programme supported by Norwegian Red Cross (NRC) (with funding from NRC and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation [NORAD]) is halfway through its implementation period. The regional programme focuses on addressing helping National Societies (NSs) strengthen their capacities to develop and deliver relevant and effective programmes that respond to the needs of vulnerable people, with two broad streams of support in health and organizational development (OD). A mid-term review was commissioned to gain an external perspective on the implementation of planned activities and outputs against results achieved, gather lessons learned and make recommendations to feed into the preparation of the work plans being developed for 2015-2016. Available documents were reviewed and interviews were carried out with more than 40 informants following a semi-structured script designed around the questions included in the terms of reference.