'Listen to Our Voices': What Does It Take to Improve Refugee Participation in Durable Solutions Processes?

Montemurro, M. & Wendt, K.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jul 2018
Research, reports and studies
Accountability to affected populations (AAP), Participation, Forced displacement and migration

Commissioned by DRC from HERE-Geneva, this report takes a closer look at enablers and obstacles for refugee and host community participation. The report focuses in particular on durable solutions processes, such as global and regional policy discussions, and the making of national and local legislation and plans of action that concern local integration, resettlement, and voluntary repatriation or return. To ensure that the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) vehicles a ‘participation revolution’ in refugee response, DRC’s intention through this report is to provide concrete, realistic, and operational suggestions on what it takes to ensure the inclusion, participation, and agency of displacement-affected people, which can inform the application of the Programme of Action. As such, this report targets both policy-makers engaged in developing the Global Compact on Refugees, and the stakeholders responsible for implementing the CRRF at country levels, including practitioners supporting refugee response operationally.