Joint Evaluations Workshop 1

Publication language
Date published
01 Dec 2006
Conference, training & meeting documents
Evaluation-related, Joint evaluation

One of the stated aims of the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition was “To test the TEC
approach as a possible model for future joint collaborative evaluation”, that is, to
trial the process and potential benefits of joint evaluations. Of particular importance
when deciding to undertake this joint evaluation - back in February 2005 - was the
intention to elevate the analysis from an individual agency perspective, to a more
system-wide focus and provide a bigger and more connected picture of how
different parts of the international response system fit together, in order to grapple
with some of the ongoing systemic challenges that beset the humanitarian
system. The TEC also aimed to reduce the overall ‘load’ of single-agency evaluations.

During the course of its work, the TEC has facilitated three After Action Reviews and
more recently conducted an email survey of its wider membership. This learning will
form the basis of this workshop. However, there is also a growing body of other
experiences of joint or multi-agency evaluation that this workshop will draw in. In
order to consolidate those experiences, in June this year ALNAP hosted a joint
ALNAP / ECB / TEC / DEC roundtable meeting on joint evaluations in London.
In the context of using this day to increase our collective understanding of some of
the key findings and challenges identified in the TEC, the overall purpose of this
workshop is to set the agenda for joint evaluations of humanitarian assistance in the
future, building on experience and learning to date.

For the purpose of this discussion, joint evaluations are considered as involving
donors, NGOs and UN agencies (at a minimum). The workshop will begin with
some brief presentations on the experience of joint evaluations to date.