Independent Desk Review of UNHCR's Global Strategy – Beyond Detention 2014–2019

Publication language
Date published
01 Apr 2020
Thematic evaluation
Assessment & Analysis, Forced displacement and migration, Government

In 2014, and on the occasion of the 60th meeting of the Standing Committee, UNHCR launched its Global Strategy – Beyond Detention (GSBD). The strategy was in response to the increasing challenges and concerns surrounding immigration-related detention that UNHCR was observing around the world. The strategy was anchored in research demonstrating that stringent detention policies do not deter irregular migration. The aim of the GSBD was to support governments to end the detention of asylum-seekers and refugees. It is defined by strong international and human rights frameworks that stipulate that the detention, for immigration-related purposes, of asylum-seekers, refugees and stateless persons should, as far as possible, be avoided and be a measure of last resort.2 It forms part of UNHCR’s mandate to closely monitor the effective enjoyment of these rights by all persons of concern to UNHCR and to intervene with the relevant authorities where appropriate.