IASC Plan for Accelerating Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Response at Country-Level, 2019

Publication language
Date published
03 Dec 2019
Plans, policy and strategy
Development & humanitarian aid, Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH)

This scale-up plan for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) is based on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s Championship Strategy on PSEA and Sexual Harassment and its PSEA commitments. The scale-up plan presents a call for collective action and investment by IASC members in all countries with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans.1 The plan seeks to achieve three key outcomes for PSEA: 1) safe and accessible reporting, 2) quality assistance for the survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), and 3) enhanced accountability, including investigations. To deliver these outcomes, the plan proposes an enhanced PSEA structure at country level that builds on existing good practice in the field and contributes to a broader accountability strategy.