How to engage in long-term humanitarian crises: a desk review

Date published
01 Mar 2017
Thematic evaluation
Capacity development, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Recovery and Resillience
South Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Central African Republic, Sudan, Yemen, Chad, DRC, Afghanistan
Norad, ODI

Policy makers and actors in the humanitarian and development field have been struggling for years with questions of how to better support vulnerable people affected by protracted or recurrent crises, and how to create a better relation between the humanitarian and more long-term development assistance. Even though experiences and lessons learned in long-term humanitarian crises have been broadly documented, there are challenges related to the integration and use of these lessons in engagements in other crises.

In the Norwegian aid administration there is an increasing recognition of the need to rethink how Norway best can work to utilize these lessons. The purpose of this desk study is to identify knowledge gaps on how to improve efforts and engagement in long-term humanitarian crises and thus to provide a basis for upcoming evaluations of the Norwegian engagement.