How to be Anti-Racist in Aid

Date published
17 Jun 2020
Audio-visual material
Development & humanitarian aid

The recent killing of George Floyd and subsequent #BlackLivesMatter protests in the US and globally have reinvigorated discussions about anti-Black racism in all parts of society.

The global development and humanitarian aid sector has its own share of issues on racism that remains to be addressed. We believe this is a critical moment to hold a discussion on racism within the aid community.


Stephanie Kimou (@StephKimou)
Founder & Lead Consultant, PopWorks Africa

Marie-Rose Romain Murphy (@romainmurphy)
Co-Founder, Haiti Community Foundation & ESPWA, Inc.

Naomi Tulay-Solanke (@communityheal10)
Founder & Executive Director, Community Healthcare Initiative

Facilitated by:

Arbie Baguios (@arbiebaguios)
Founder, Aid Re-imagined