Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action

Christopher Kuner and Massimo Marelli
Date published
01 Jan 2017
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Comms, media & information, Organisational, System-wide performance

Personal data protection is of fundamental importance for humanitarian organizations as it is an integral part of protecting the life, integrity and dignity of
their benefciaries.

The project brought together humanitarian organizations, data protection authorities and technology experts in a series of workshops covering a range of
topics, including data analytics, drones, biometrics, cash transfer programmes, cloud-based computing and messaging apps, all of which have become increasingly important in the humanitarian sector. The Handbook is one of the outputs of this project; it will be a useful tool to raise awareness and assist humanitarian organizations in complying with personal data protection standards. It also addresses the need for specific guidance on the interpretation of data protection principles as applicable to humanitarian action, especially when new technologies are employed. I believe the Handbook will prove helpful to humanitarian actors, data protection authorities and private companies alike. It clearly demonstrates that data protection legislation does not prohibit the collection and sharing of personal data, but rather provides the framework in which personal data can be used in the knowledge and confidence that individuals’ right to privacy is respected.