Guidance Note on Reflecting Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs)

Publication language
Date published
31 Mar 2020
Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH), Protection, human rights & security

This note provides tips for integrating PSEA into Humanitarian Response Plans, and offers examples of good practice in reflecting PSEA in response activities, plans and monitoring frameworks. Additionally, PSEA should be linked to to accountability to affected populations (AAP) and centrality of protection actions. The United Nations Secretary-General’s Bulletin (ST/SGB/2003/13) applies to UN agencies and partnering organizations and staff and establishes protocols and standards of conduct and engagement. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Six Core Principles and Minimum Operating Standards for PSEA outline compliance requirements for all agencies regarding community engagement, prevention and response to SEA. The IASC PSEA Strategy (biennial) and global plan for PSEA Acceleration at the Country Level are important tools to provide guidance on specific priorities based on global progress and gaps.