GEROS – Global Meta-Evaluation Report 2012 Final Report

Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2013
Research, reports and studies

The Global Evaluation Reports Oversight System (GEROS) is a UNICEF-wide system managed by the
Evaluation Office. It is used to assess the quality of final evaluation reports.
The main objectives of GEROS are: to provide senior managers with an independent assessment of the
quality of their evaluation reports; to strengthen the internal evaluation capacity to improve the quality of
the evaluations; to contribute to corporate knowledge management and organizational learning; and to
report to Senior Management on the quality of evaluation reports – generating key performance indicators
that point to the improvements, strengths, and weaknesses of overall final evaluation reports. To meet
these objectives, all final evaluation reports are assessed and rated externally by an independent firm
according to the UNEG Evaluation Report Standards for UNICEF, and a final analysis is done using all
of the reviewed evaluation reports’ ratings to study their overall trends, strengths and weaknesses.