Final evaluation of the project "Support for the establishment of a sustainable information system on food security and early warning"

Publication language
Date published
16 Jul 2018
Impact evaluation
Evaluation-related, Food security, Livelihoods

Chad is one of the largest countries in Africa with 1,284,000 km2. Its population was estimated in 2009 at 11,039,873 million, 78 percent of whom were rural. The overall objective of the project was to reduce household food and nutrition insecurity in Chad. The specific objectives were to: (i) have reliable information, available in real time and in a sustainable manner, allowing good governance of food and nutritional security. (ii) Reduce the negative effect of agro-climatic and socio-economic shocks on households through timely and appropriate alert and responses.

Despite some weaknesses in its design, the food security and early warning information system support project (SISAAP) was able to respond to a need for reliable and consistent food security information at the national level by involving all stakeholders in the sector. The need to keep SISAAP functional is more relevant than ever in a fragile country vulnerable to the risk of crises like Chad. However, risks threaten the sustainability of SISAAP. It is important that the SISAAP leaves its status as a project to become a real lasting state structure.