Evaluative review of UNHCR's policies and procedures on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and abuse

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2019
Thematic evaluation
Assessment & Analysis, Forced displacement and migration, Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH), System-wide performance

This report presents the findings of a review of UNHCR’s policies and procedures to protect refugees, returnees, stateless people, internally displaced people and asylum-seekers (UNHCR’s ‘persons of concern’1 ) from sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian actors (PSEA). It is intended to be a ‘light touch’ evaluative review of UNHCR’s current policies and procedures on PSEA, and how they are being interpreted and implemented in practice. It is not an evaluation of the effectiveness of UNHCR’s policies and procedures in mitigating risk, changing behaviour or responding to specific incidences of SEA. UNHCR’s policies and procedures on PSEA are evolving and adapting as the agency seeks to strengthen its approach to prevention and response, so this should also be seen as a stock-take of a system in motion.