Evaluation Thesaurus

Scriven, M
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 1991
Newbury Park, CA: Sage

Written by one of the leaders in evaluation, Evaluation Thesaurus, Fourth Edition provides readers with a quick analysis of the leading concepts, positions, acronyms, processes, techniques, and checklists in the field of evaluation. Containing nearly 2000 entries, Michael Scriven's thesaurus offers professionals and students a guide for understanding the relation of evaluation to the doctrine of value-free social science, ways to integrate the parts of multi-dimensional evaluations into an overall rating, the realities of evaluation consulting, and techniques for the use of spreadsheets in qualitative evaluation. Topics new to this edition include: recent work in personnel evaluation and its relevance to program evaluation; new material on the evaluation of scientific theories; new ways to extend objective testing beyond multiple choice items without loss of speed of correcting; new uses of computers in evaluation; analyses of related concepts such as diagnosis, policy, etiology, risk assessment, focus groups, quality circles and the economic realities of consulting including conflict of interest; types of contract; and press releases.