Evaluation of the FAO cooperation program in Colombia 2015–2019

Publication language
Date published
22 Feb 2021
Impact evaluation
Development & humanitarian aid, Evaluation-related, System-wide performance

The evaluation covers FAO's cooperation program in Colombia under the Country Programming Framework 2015–2019. The report assesses FAO's strategic positioning in Colombia, the level of achievement of planned results, and provides perspectives to guide future cooperation between FAO and the Government of Colombia. The evaluation is directed at the Government of Colombia, the staff of the FAO office in Colombia and its partners that supported the program, such as the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, and relevant FAO divisions at headquarters.

The evaluation found that FAO has contributed significantly to the achievement of the expected results, however, additional efforts are required to achieve the planned goals and ensure the sustainability of the results of its projects and programs. The evaluation recommends that FAO diversify its financial portfolio and mobilize more external resources. It is recommended that FAO Colombia, together with the Regional Office and Headquarters, streamline their processes and bureaucratic procedures to improve the efficiency of their operations.