Evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian response to the refugee crisis in Turkey

140 pp
Date published
31 Jul 2019
Evaluation reports
humanitarian action, Forced displacement and migration, Syria crisis
European Commission

This is the Final Report of the Evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian response to the refugee crisis in Turkey, covering the period 2016-2017. This ambitious mandate was undertaken by Landell Mills in partnership with Universalia Management Group and International Alert. The consortium was contracted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) to carry out the evaluation between April 2018 and February 2019.

This Final Report provides a synthesis of the evidence collected during the first three phases of the evaluation (inception, desk and field phases). The findings and conclusions were developed by the evaluation team, and then validated by DG ECHO. The recommendations were subsequently developed through a participatory process with DG ECHO (Brussels and Turkey).