Comprehensive Food Security Monitoring Exercise (CFSME) - Registered Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Carey, E. et al.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2016
Research, reports and studies
Food and nutrition, Food security, Forced displacement and migration
Syria, Jordan

The overall objectives of CFSME 2016 are to assess current levels of refugee food security, identify trends in needs and vulnerabilities, and recognise the most vulnerable refugees. In turn, this informs WFP targeting and supports the prioritisation of families and households requiring urgent assistance. The trend analysis assesses the impact of specific contextual factors on food security, which can then be used to inform future humanitarian and government initiatives aimed at improving refugee welfare, as well as refining targeting and modalities of transfer. Furthermore, the CFSME 2016 data is comparable with the UNHCR-led interagency Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF), contributing to a wider information repository on refugee vulnerability for more effective humanitarian targeting. The findings in this report focus on food insecurity and how this interconnects and reinforces cross-sector vulnerability of refugees living within host communities, with comparisons to findings from the refugee camps where relevant. In total, 5,252 cases, representing 3,253 households and comprising 20,067 individuals, were surveyed between April and May 2016 for this monitoring exercise. In addition, sixteen focus group discussions amongst male and females were conducted to further explain trends in quantitative data.