Analysis: Flow Monitoring Surveys - Profile of Migrants Interviewed in Romania

International Organization for Migration
Date published
01 Jan 2018
Research, reports and studies
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration, Targeting, Identification and Profiling

This analysis provides a unique look into responses collected in Romania in August 2017. A team of four data collectors located in three different reception centres around the country – Timisoara, Bucharest and Galati (see map above) collected a total of 349 surveys, out of which, 331 were categorized as valid responses (completed interview with individual's consent). The further analysis includes information about migrants’ profiles, including their age, sex, areas of origin, levels of education and employment status before migration, key transit points on their route, cost of the journey, reasons for moving and intentions.

The survey also contains more detailed questions on family and employment status before departure and additional child focused questions (e.g. education levels, the last time a child had access to education, etc.). Further, it allows the interviewer to capture a higher number of locations with protection incidents. The Eastern Mediterranean survey used in Romania, also includes six questions that are proxy indicators for potential human trafficking or exploitative practices experienced by the respondents or other migrants en-route, which are exempted from this analysis.