Take part in the updating of our OECD DAC guidance

16 May 2023
ALNAP is updating its 2006 guidance on evaluating humanitarian action using the OECD DAC criteria.
We want to hear from you? Take our survey and share your feedback on using OECD DAC evaluation criteria

In 2006, ALNAP published 'Evaluating Humanitarian Action using the OECD DAC Criteria', a guidance document designed to help evaluation professionals better understand and use the OECD DAC criteria in humanitarian settings.

The guidance recognised that additional criteria – connectedness, coherence and coverage – were needed in these settings. Moreover, it explicitly acknowledged that the DAC criteria were often used mechanistically, and that humanitarian actors need specific guidance on good practice when applying the criteria in the field. The guidance provided practical examples of how humanitarian practitioners have used the criteria, as well as real-world cases of how they have been applied.

In updating the original publication, ALNAP will further explore evaluation issues specific to humanitarian action, including common constraints and challenges of applying the criteria in humanitarian settings over the past 15 years. ALNAP will include recent examples from real-world humanitarian evaluations, notes on good practice and learning since the 2006 publication. 

To date, ALNAP has:

  • Formed an advisory group to assist with the revision process.
  • Published a literature review on the use of the OECD DAC criteria and additional humanitarian criteria – connectedness, coherence, coverage – which will support the evidence base for the update.
  • Launched a survey to gather feedback on changes to the guidance going forward. Available in: AREN | FR | ES 
  • Organised and hosted consultation events, including a golbal launch and various regional consultation sessions. 
Want to participate?

Given the popularity of the existing guidance, there is likely to be great interest in contributing to the update, as well as diverse views on how to best apply the criteria in humanitarian contexts.

ALNAP has launched a survey for humanitarian evaluation practitioners to gather feedback and views on the usage and application of the criteria for evaluating humanitarian action.

The survey is available in AREN | FR | ES 


To gather views on humanitarian evaluation criteria and their use in assessing humanitarian action, we have organised and will continue to hold a series of events in 2024. These events will be held with humanitarian evaluators, evaluation managers, and other humanitarian professionals. Watch the launch event and our Asia-Pacific community consultation event in partnership with APEA. Upcoming events: 

  • Tuesday, 6 February from 2:00–3:30 PM CET for the Francophone community in partnership with Groupe URD, Key Aid Consulting and UNICEF evaluation bureau. This will be in French only. Register here.
  • Monday, 19 February, 2:00–3:30 PM CET for the MENA community in partnership with 360 Consulting and LEBEVAL. This will be in Arabic and English. Find available registration information in English or    Arabic

Look out for the announcements on our events page, in the ALNAP Bulletin and on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

Want to know more? Contact ALNAP Research Fellow Sarah Gharbi at: evalcriteria [at] alnap [dot] com