Shaping new guidance for the evaluation of humanitarian action together | MENA consultation

Monday 19 February 2024
14:00 - 15:30, GMT+2 – CEST

Arabic event description

An interactive online consultation event for the MENA evaluation community, organised in partnership with the 360 Consulting and the Lebanese Evaluation Association (LebEval).  A presentation will be followed by two consecutive breakouts where participants will have the chance to provide feedback on two topics of their choice. 

Description: Background

After more than 15 years of effective use, ALNAP is updating its popular 2006 guidance on how to use the OECD DAC criteria for evaluating humanitarian action.  
As part of the revision process and to capture the diverse views on how to best apply the criteria in humanitarian contexts, ALNAP has been organising a series of in-person and online consultation events. ALNAP is looking for feedback from a broad spectrum of evaluators, humanitarians and other practitioners, from large agencies to small frontline actors, local community groups and first responders, working in diverse locations and different humanitarian contexts.  

This event
In partnership with 360 Consulting and LebEval, ALNAP will be hosting an interactive online consultation event for the MENA humanitarian evaluation community on Monday, 19 February 2024 at 2:00-3:30PM, CET | 1:00-2:30PM UK. ALNAP will explain the rationale for updating the guidance, say why it matters and present the main findings of new research, highlighting key challenges and issues around the OECD DAC criteria.  
Participants should come ready for lively discussion and to contribute insight during breakout groups on two of the following topics: 

  • Should the new ALNAP guidelines be aligned with those of the OECD DAC? 
  • Should the new ALNAP guidelines provide guidance how the different biases (intellectual, technical, cultural, cognitive, and technical) of evaluators and commissioners influence the evaluation process  
  • Relevance: should the use of this criterion be more uniform and systematic? 
  • Should sustainability replace connectedness, or should the two criteria be merged? 
  • Should "climate and environment" be introduced as a cross-cutting theme, an additional criterion or inserted under another criterion? 
  • Should "gender, equity and inclusion" be introduced as a cross-cutting theme, an additional criterion or inserted under another criterion? 
  • Should "accountability to affected populations" be introduced as a cross-cutting theme, an additional criterion or inserted under another criterion? 
  • Should "localisation" be introduced as a cross-cutting theme, an additional criterion or inserted under another criterion? 
  • Positionality: whose perspective is used in defining what should be evaluated and how? How should ALNAP address these issues in the new guidance?  

Wider context 

The MENA region consultation event is part of a series of online and in-person consultation events organized and hosted by ALNAP to gather views on the criteria for evaluating humanitarian action and how they can be used.

ALNAP has also launched a global survey of humanitarian and evaluation practitioners, an opportunity to share your views on changes you would like to see in the evaluation guidance. Attendees to this event are encouraged to take the survey and to share it widely within their organisations and network/contacts. 

Click here to register and sign-up for specific breakout groups. 

For more information and questions email evalcriteria [at] alnap [dot] org