Evaluation of the project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso"

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2022
Impact evaluation
Evaluation-related, Food and nutrition, Response and recovery
Burkina Faso

The project "Emergency response and support to vulnerable populations in at-risk areas of Burkina Faso" is financed by the Swedish International Development Agency. FAO implemented the project in partnership with the Government of Burkina Faso through the Ministry for Agriculture, Hydro-agricultural Development and Mechanisation. The project seeks to improve vulnerable populations’ access to food and to means of food production.

This first phase of the evaluation focused on suggesting improvements to the project over the rest of its implementation period, and more particularly improvements as pertaining to relevance, efficiency and efficacy of the project. The implementation of these recommendations should allow the project and more generally FAO, the FAO Office in Burkina Faso and the Government, to close a project that has achieved its objectives