Joint FAO/WFP evaluation of the project "Supporting the resilience of vulnerable populations in northern Mali"

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2019
Impact evaluation
Evaluation-related, Food and nutrition, System-wide performance

Between 2015 and 2018, FAO and WFP implemented a joint programme funded by the European Union to build community resilience in northern Mali. A final evaluation was conducted between May and September 2018. The evaluation paid particular attention to the collaboration between the two agencies. The results of the evaluation show that the intervention contributed to the improvement of agricultural and animal productions, to the introduction, at an early stage, of new products in the dietary habits of the beneficiary households and to income generation to protect assets, meet basic needs and invest in new livelihoods. The evaluation notes that in some sites or for certain aspects of activities the two agencies intervened separately, reducing the impact of the intervention. Thus, it recommends that both agencies maximize synergies in future joint programmes.