WFP Fill the Nutrient Gap and Minimum Expenditure Basket (Technical Note)

World Food Programme
Publication language
Date published
25 Jan 2021
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Food and nutrition, Food security, Nutrition, Health, humanitarian action, Humanitarian Principles, Needs assessment

The objective of this technical note is to provide an overview of two approaches that establish the costs of reference food baskets with a view to informing programmes: the Fill the Nutrient Gap / Cost of the Diet (FNG/CotD) and the Essential Needs Analysis/Minimum Expenditure Basket (ENA/MEB).

Both approaches include stakeholders working with social safety nets and cash-based transfers (CBT). They are intended to inform dialogue on transfer values and programming modalities to meet food and nutrition needs, hence the importance of understanding the purpose and approach of each method and when and how they can complement each other.

World Food Programme