Independent Country Programme Evaluation - Turkey 2011-2015

Publication language
Date published
10 Oct 2014
Policy evaluation
Forced displacement and migration, Gender, Health, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus

The overall purpose of the independent evaluation of the UNFPA 5th Country Programme of Assistance with the Government of Turkey is to produce an independent and useful evaluation report, to inform decision-making of the UNFPA Turkey country office (CO), the UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional office (EECARO) and UNFPA headquarter divisions.

The specific objectives are :

  • to provide the UNFPA CO in Turkey, national programme stakeholders, the UNFPA EECARO, UNFPA headquarters as well as the wider audience with an independent assessment of the relevance and performance of the UNFPA 5th country programme;
  • to provide an analysis of how UNFPA has positioned itself within the development community and national partners with a view to adding value to the country development results;
  • to draw key lessons from past and current cooperation and provide a set of clear and forward-looking options leading to strategic and actionable recommendations for the next programming cycle.
  • The evaluation will cover all activities planned and/or implemented during the period 2011-2014, under both the development programme of assistance (including soft aid activities) and the humanitarian programme launched in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.Besides the assessment of the intended effects of the country programme, the evaluation also aims at identifying potential unintended effects.

Note: The EQA can currently be found under 'methodology'.