Adapting to Learn and Learning to Adapt: Practical Insights from International Development Projects

Brinkerhoff, D. W., Frazer, S., & Mcgregor-mirghani, L.
Date published
01 Jan 2018
RTI Press
Assessment & Analysis, System-wide performance

Key Policy Implications • Adaptive programming and management principles are gaining traction with donor agencies and implementing partners to confront the inherent complexity and uncertainty in international development. • A focus on adaptation changes traditional thinking about the program cycle and merges design, implementation, and evaluation. • Adaptive programming and management call for using information and learning to inform adjustments during implementation, which requires monitoring and evaluation systems that go beyond reporting on prespecified indicators. • Supportive management structures and processes are crucial for fostering learning, flexibility, and adaptation. Donors and implementers are experimenting with how procurement, contracting, work planning, and reporting can foster adaptive programming and management to achieve better results.