Conference Report: Diaspora Support to Durable Solutions – Syrians in Europe

DRC & Durable Solutions Platform
Publication language
Date published
24 Nov 2017
Conference, training & meeting documents
Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities, Response and recovery
Syria, Europe

Danish Refugee Council’s Diaspora Programme (DRC) organized the conference “Diaspora and Durable Solutions” on 24th of November in Berlin, in collaboration with the Durable Solutions Platform (DSP) and the BMZ funded GIZ project “Qualification initiative for Syrian Civil Society, Women and Community Representatives (QICS)”. The conference brought together representatives of diaspora organisations in Europe, humanitarian and development practitioners, as well as a government representative to discuss durable solutions to Syrian displacement. Millions of Syrian people have been displaced by the ongoing violence in their home country. 6,3 million people have been internally displaced, having fled their homes to live in safer parts of Syria and more than 5 million have fled Syria since 2011, seeking safety in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and in Europe. But as the situation in many parts of Syria may remain unsafe for a long time yet, displaced Syrians are increasingly in need of durable solutions (local integration, resettlement, or voluntary return) to their displacement. The conference was part of a project to map, study and engage with Syrian diaspora organizations in Europe on the main challenges Syrians are facing in finding durable solutions.