Extreme Measures: Abuses against Children Detained as National Security Threats

Publication language
Date published
28 Jul 2016
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Protection, human rights & security
Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Nigeria, Syria, United States of America
Human Rights Watch

Thousands of children in conflict-affected countries have been detained without charge for months or even years as national security threats, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Untold numbers have been tortured or have died in custody. Governments should immediately stop detaining children without charge and appropriately punish those who mistreat them.

The 35-page report, “Extreme Measures: Abuses against Children Detained as National Security Threats,” documents the arrest and detention of children for alleged association with non-state armed groups or involvement in conflict-related offenses.