Evaluation of the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action, 2010-2015

Mowjee, T. and Fleming, D.
Publication language
Date published
11 May 2015
Policy evaluation
Funding and donors, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Leadership and Decisionmaking, Organisational
Afghanistan, South Sudan, Syria

Itad conducted an evaluation of Denmark’s humanitarian strategy, covering the period 2010-2015. This synthesis report draws on interviews and data collection from three case studies in South Sudan, Syria and Afghanistan, as well as interviews with Danida and its partners at headquarters level. The purpose of the evaluation was to both document results achieved from implementing the strategy, and to inform Danida’s decision-making and strategic direction when it formulates its new strategy in 2016.

The evaluation has added significant value for Danida in three ways: Timing – Not only will the evaluation team’s findings and recommendations inform the development of the next strategy, but they will also feed into Danida’s preparations for the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016; Participatory and inclusive approach – the evaluation team worked closely with Danida and its partners throughout the evaluation to ensure that findings and recommendations would be relevant and usable; Structure – A follow-up to the evaluation will be undertaken in late 2015 to track Danida’s progress in implementing the recommendations.

The findings and recommendations of the synthesis report were presented in Copenhagen in May 2015. Case study reports are published separately and can be accessed, together with report annexes and the management response, on the Danida website.