IASC Inter-agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the Typhoon Haiyan Response

Hanley, T., Binas, R., Murray, J. and Tribunalo, B.
Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2014
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Coordination, Disasters, Typhoons, Networks, NGOs, Organisational, Recovery and Resillience

The inter-agency humanitarian evaluation (IAHE) aims to provide an independent assessment of the extent to which planned collective objectives set in the SRP have been met.  It also assesses the extent to which response mechanisms of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle and Transformative Agenda have successfully supported the response.

The evaluation considers the overall inter-agency response within the scope of HCT coordination. It does not evaluate the government response nor is it intended to replace agency or sector- specific evaluations. Rather it aims to add value by a focus on the collective results and learning from the overall inter-agency response.  Following preliminary data gathering in July-August, a four-person evaluation team spent three weeks in the Philippines in August-September 2014 to undertake field work across the three regions covered by the SRP as well as in Manila.  Methods included systematic, inclusive community consultations, key informant interviews and group discussions.  Three feedback and validation workshops in Tacloban and Manila with government representatives, humanitarian agencies, HCT and the IAHE in-country advisory group were important opportunities to refine emerging findings.