Technical Note: Conducting Mixed-Method Evaluations

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2013
Tools, guidelines and methodologies

Over the past three decades, evaluators and others in the development field have increasingly recognized that incorporating multiple methods into a single evaluation often results in a stronger, more complete evaluation than conventional evaluation approaches relying on only one method. This trend has led to a rapidly growing interest in mixed-method evaluations among both practitioners and evaluators. At least two journals dedicated to mixed-method evaluations have been launched, and the number of books on the subject is growing steadily. Notably, USAID’s Evaluation Policy strongly endorses mixed-method evaluation approaches: “Given the nature of development activities, both qualitative and quantitative methods yield valuable findings, and a combination of both often is optimal.” (p. 4) This Technical Note provides guidance to USAID staff and partners on how mixed-method evaluations are conducted and important considerations when managing a mixed-method evaluation.