Global Survey of gaps in WASH capacities for emergencies: Results of on-line survey conducted from July to September 2008

Cosgrave, J.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2009
InterWorks Europe
Research, reports and studies
Water, sanitation and hygiene

This is the outcome of an online survey conducted between early July 2008 and early September. The intent of the survey was to identify gaps in the global WASH capacity for emergency response. The strength of this survey is that it draws on the learning of hundreds of WASH staff working in emergencies. The biggest constraint is that the survey canvasses perceptions, so there is a danger that the survey overlooks areas that are traditionally overlooked in WASH response to humanitarian emergencies. The survey was placed on in English, French and Spanish. The survey attracted 439 respondents, of whom some 316 completed the survey (72%). Respondents had a great deal of emergency experience and many made useful comments as well as completing the multiple choice questions. Of those respondents who identified their sex, 28% were female, and 72% were male. When using the national tools we found that it was very difficult to measure overall system capacity in any meaningful way. The underlying reason for the research was not so much to provide a description of capacity, but to identify capacity gaps. Capacity only tells us half the story. We need to know what the gaps in capacity are so that we can follow up with action on these.