13th UK Shelter Forum

Heykoop, L., Kelling, F., Devilat, B., Shute, K. and Wagemann., E.
Publication language
Date published
20 Sep 2013
Conference, training & meeting documents
Response and recovery, Shelter and housing, Urban

The UK Shelter Forum is a community of practice for individuals and organisations involved in
shelter and settlement reconstruction activities supported by twice yearly meetings (Shelter
Forums), a website and a LinkedIn group. The thirteenth UK Shelter Forum was hosted by the
Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience, UCL on the 20th September 2013. It was
attended by approximately 50 participants from humanitarian and development organisations,
academia and the private sector. There were multiple themes to the Forum, with parallel sessions
running to achieve more depth in different areas. The main three themes that were explored during the day were 1) Urban response, 2) Shelter and Recovery, and 3) Measuring impact.
There were also parallel discussions around innovation, and the response to the Syria crisis.
This document is intended to capture discussions from the UK Shelter Forum in a concise format for dissemination.